Fluency Practice and Reading Passages For Dyslexic Students

April 10, 2020
by Vanja Andrić

Fluency practice and close reading passages are gathered from Barbara Radner, Ph.D., and DePaul University and made available as a free library in Lexie.

We have created a library and adapted them to be appropriate for use in Lexie. You will find available around 170 passages with included questions for checking the text comprehension. Reading passages are for students grade 1-8.

reading passages dyslexic students

Range of reading tools and text customization options available in Lexie make it the perfect app for fluency practice for elementary school students. Especially for the ones with dyslexia and reading difficulties.  

Next to the full text customization you can syllabicate whole texts in one click or mark mirror letters. You will also find Text to Speech accompanied with additional options like word and line highlight tools. You can print such adjusted text to read them on paper. Therefore, the combination of amazing texts and range of tools offered is just amazing for struggling readers.  

Additional Sources To Texts For Fluency Practice

Also check out a blog from Mrs. Warners’s Learning Community.



So far we've got really nice feedback and it shows there is a need for more similar reading materials. So in addition to Reading Passages library we've started creating and developing our own library with short stories. We'll be adding the first set of reading passages during spring 2022. They will be appropriate for all grades for the middle school.

Also, besides above mentioned reading passages, or adding any type of your own content, there are other libraries with classics available in Lexie. That way Lexie helps you use any kind of content for reading practice, easier learning or just casual reading. Check it out, it's really cool :) 

fluency practice with reading passages in Lexie
Use Text to Speech to speed up your school and work. Convert photos of a page in a book. It helps parents, teachers and speech therapists.

* Use Personal tier first 30 days for FREE  

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