Here is the full Omoguru Dyslexia Friendly Reader app review as we received it from Owen:
Being a very paper-based analogue dyslexic reader, I have often struggled with reading books on tablets or kindles. I therefore approached the Omoguru Reader with a mix of scepticism, intrigued and hope that it might make a difference.
Once I was finally up and running, I found the reading experience much better than on previous electric readers. My reading speed was always slow to begin with when reading of a screen then off a paper page and using Omoguru certain increased it to be on a par with my paper-based reading speed but did not exceed it.
I would recommend Omoguru to anyone who is struggle with their reading and suggest they give it a try. I am sure a more digitally orientated dyslexic would find it a huge asset to their arsenal. Although personally I still prefer reading my paper books, I am willing to persevere with Omoguru and see where things go.
Owen’s Twitter account:
We are happy to see another confirmation our solution works for dyslexics in this review of our dyslexia app. We hear the success stories often and this is something that gives us the motive to do better every day.
What got from feedback from our users is that reading easier with it makes the app a great asset for fluency practice. We prepared texts and added libraries with reading passages and short stories to our new solution Lexie.
* Use Personal tier first 30 days for FREE
* No credit card required
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